Edge4Vets STARS!

Student/Veteran Nominations

Research is clear: veterans develop unique skills in the military that serve them and their employers well once they leave the service.

But veterans who have yet to begin their civilian careers are also distinguishing themselves.

And so we are expanding the "STARS!" project. We want to recognize the many thousands of students in schools and universities who are making positive contributions. As such we have created a "STUDENT/VETERAN CATEGORY."

The goal is to give schools an opportunity to recognize student/veterans who are applying their military skills to perform well academically or providing outstanding service in their communities. Stories abound of student/veterans working at food banks, in senior centers, providing tutorial support for young people, or contributing in myriad ways to continue their service after their military service.

Here's how to make nominations:

We ask coordinators in the Veterans Services office at schools and universities to share this page with partners throughout the school, including professors who have veterans in class, and with leaders of community groups where veterans are providing service while in school.

Study this link with EIGHT KEY SKILLS research says veterans possess.

  1. Leadership
  2. Teamwork
  3. Strong Work Ethic
  4. Core Values
  5. Ability to handle stressful situations
  6. Self-direction and motivation
  7. Diversity and inclusion
  8. Technology and globalization

Match the skills to the performance of a student/veteran you wish to nominate, telling specifically how he/she used one of more of the skills to perform at a high level in school or in the community, and give the outcome.

Share the story in 200 to 500 words on the link below.

Nominate a Student/Veteran



Edge4Vets Stars! Program

Learn more about Edge4Vets

See how the program teaches veterans to translate their military strengths for civilian success.

Learn how Edge4Vets can help your company, or your airport, accelerate talented veterans into your workforce.
Contact Tom Murphy at Tom@edge4vets.org

Edge4Vets STARS! Is offered by the
Human Resiliency Institute at Fordham University.

For more information and to participate in "Edge4Vets STARS!"
Contact Tom Muphy • Tom@edge4vets.org

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