Connect: Network Building

The power of Mentor support!
Edge4Vets is unique in that we blend "strengths-based" instruction with support from business mentors to help you create a personal PLAN4SUCCESS.
Our research shows that many veterans know they have skills from the military. The anxiety comes from not knowing how to "break in" – they lack a contact network - and thus vets wonder whether they'll be able to get a job that can lead to a career and give them the life they want.
We deal with this anxiety directly: Edge4Vets invites employees from our partner companies to join our online workshops and become your network. They serve as "listening agents" as the program guides you through a process to create your PLAN4SUCCESS.
Mentors provide feedback on the translation process during the initial ZOOM workshop, the PREP Workshop. Then in the CONNECTION Workshop that follows they help you match your skills and interests from your PLAN4SUCCESS to job opportunities at their companies.
At the conclusion of the workshop series, Edge4Vets provides vets with contact info for the HR lead rep at each of our partner companies – and provides the companies with contact info for participating veterans. That way you get a chance to build your contact network – and companies get a chance to reach out to you. We facilitate “connection-making” at both ends.
Once you sign up to take our PREP and CONNECT WORKSHOP series you'll be in the game!
At the Connection workshop, HR reps will talk to the job opportunities at their companies – they'll work with you to match your skills and interests from your Plan4Success to those job and career opportunities.
In addition, HR reps will bring a list of job openings to the workshop - they will work with you to match your skills and interests from your Plan4Success to job and career opportunities at their companies.
So get started today - get in the game!

Profiles in Success
Achievement Stories
Testimonials of vets applying their military skills to advance their careers and life.
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