Edge4Vets STARS!

Company Nominations Form

Veterans served our country. They developed unique skills. Tell how veterans in your workforce are using their military skills to perform at a high level to give your company an "edge."

Send us your Edge4Vets STARS Nomination!


All form fields below are required. You'll receive an email confirmation:

Nominator (Manager/Supervisor) Name:

Your Email Address:

Your Phone:


STAR Veteran's Name:

STAR Veteran's Department:

Edge4Vets STARS story (200 to 500 words):



Edge4Vets Stars! Program

Learn more about Edge4Vets

See how the program teaches veterans to translate their military strengths for civilian success.

Learn how Edge4Vets can help your company, or your airport, accelerate talented veterans into your workforce.
Contact Tom Murphy at Tom@edge4vets.org

Edge4Vets STARS! Is offered by the
Human Resiliency Institute at Fordham University.

For more information and to participate in "Edge4Vets STARS!"
Contact Tom Muphy • Tom@edge4vets.org

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