Edge4Vets STARS!

Company Nominations - New York City

Veterans served our country. They developed unique skills. Tell how veterans in your workforce are using their military skills to perform at a high level to give your company an "edge."

How to make "Edge4Vets STARS" Nominations:

The Edge4Vets STARS! incentive gives companies a chance to celebrate veterans who APPLY their values and skills from the military to help their companies succeed.

Managers: once HR departments circulate this page to those of you who have veterans working in your area, we ask you to click on this link - EIGHT KEY SKILLS VETERANS POSSESS – and review the list of leadership skills that research associates with veterans.

  1. Leadership
  2. Teamwork
  3. Strong Work Ethic
  4. Core Values
  5. Ability to handle stressful situations
  6. Self-direction and motivation
  7. Diversity and inclusion
  8. Technology and globalization

Identify a veteran you wish to nominate and match their quality performance to one or more of the skills described on the list. Importantly - give the details (ie., the story) of what they did to "rise" to an occasion, solve a problem, or meet a challenge using their military skills listed in the descriptions. Give the positive outcome as well.

Nominations are received by Edge4Vets, which collects them throughout the year, and in November, a panel of judges, chooses winners from all the nominations received. Awards are made as part of Veterans Day celebrations. Prizes will be announced.

In addition, as nominations are received Edge4Vets channels them to HR coordinators at our partner organizations. HR determines an appropriate way to provide recognition internally, with input from Edge4Vets on what has been effective for other organizations.

Managers, we count on you! Click on the link below to make your nominations and support us as we seek to highlight the outstanding work of your military veterans. Without you, people won't know! Thank you.

Online Nomination Form



Edge4Vets Stars! Program

Learn more about Edge4Vets

See how the program teaches veterans to translate their military strengths for civilian success.

Learn how Edge4Vets can help your company, or your airport, accelerate talented veterans into your workforce.
Contact Tom Murphy at Tom@edge4vets.org

Edge4Vets STARS! Is offered by the
Human Resiliency Institute at Fordham University.

For more information and to participate in "Edge4Vets STARS!"
Contact Tom Muphy • Tom@edge4vets.org

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